How To Decide Between Fragrance Lotions And Perfumes
Women today have many different options when it comes to applying fragrance to their bodies. More
women are choosing fragrance lotions over perfumes when thinking of applying scent to themselves.
There are many advantages of choosing a fragrant lotion over a perfume. One of them is price.In some
cases, it makes more sense to purchase the lotion than the perfume. Not only will the lotion be less expensive, but it will
last longer and the chances of overdoing it as far as being overpowered by fragrance, are slim.
The lotions are absorbed into the skin and make the skin feel smooth and supple. The scent lingers
on the skin, but does not overpower the user.
People have many reasons for wearing fragrance. The most common is to attract a mate.
Another reason people like to wear fragrance is that it makes them feel good about themselves. When
using a lotion instead of a perfume, you can pamper your skin as well as get a pleasing fragrance to inhale.
The lotion sooths the skin and makes your skin softer to the touch and the scent of the lotion invokes
the sense of smell. By using lotion instead of perfume, you can invoke two senses instead of just one, with the same product.
The fragrance in the lotions is not very strong, but when up close to someone, they give off a pleasant
and soft scent. It is for this reason alone that many women are opting for lotions over perfumes.
The scent of perfume can be overpowering if too much is applied, and tends to get stale after a while.Because
lotions are not comprised of alcohol, they make the skin smoother instead of drying it out.