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The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
-Andy Rooney


Even if you don't aspire to having a pet with the skills of seeing-eye dog or a champion sheepdog, you must accept that all dogs, like their owners, requires a certain amount of training if they are to be civilized. First, of course, there is the business of training the puppy. Clear up at once any accidental mess the puppy makes and spray the spot with neutralizing aerosol to prevent it from being attracted back to the same place. Be patient - never punish a puppy for slowness in learning or for unfortunate lapses.

Despite its formidable appearance, the BULLDOG is a gentle, affectionate, and loyal creature. These qualities, plus its reputation for courage and dogged endurance, prompted the British to adopt it as their national dog.
Today's Bulldog has a very different temperament from that of his forebears. It is an affectionate animal, gentle with children, but known for its courage and its excellent guarding abilities.

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Begin training when the dog is between 3 and 4 month old. The puppy should be accustomed to behaving calmly and obediently when in and about with you. Only gradually introduce it to places and crowds and noisy traffics. Always use pleasant, reassuring, clear tones when talking to the dog.

When training always keep the dog on the lead until it understand the command, and never try to train the dog if you are in a bad mood. Use a firm but gentle command to a dog and use the dog's name to gain his attention before giving the command.

In all training, bribery with tidbits should be use sparingly and not as a general rule. Praise and a short session of play is a much better reward for an obedient dog.
