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Most common illnesses are easy to treat as long as they are diagnose in time. It is important to keep an eye to your dog for signs of unusual behavior or signs of ill health, and to contact the vet if these persist.


The mouth
Symptoms associated with mouth problems are salivating,pawing at the mouth, exaggerated chewing motions,signs of tenderness when chewing, and bad breath.

The eyes
Problems are indicated by sore, watering eyes and when a blue or white "film" appears over the eye. If any symptoms in or around the eyes last longer than a day, take the dog to vet if possible.

The nose
Common symptoms of unhealthy nose are a cracked, sore, dry nose tip or running mattery nostrils and the appearance of having a human common cold.

The ears
Symptoms associated with ear problems are shaking the head, scratching the ear, bad smell or discharge from the ear, tilting the ear to one side, ballooning of the ear flap, and the dog showing signs of pain or discomfort when the ear is touched.


Like their owners, dogs are living longer nowadays, but few past seventeen ( equivalent to 84 human years). Old dogs may become somewhat odorous, the commonest source is the mouth. A general deterioration in the coat of an elderly dog, with the production of more scurf and grease, maybe the cause of the characteristics "old dog" smell. In the latter years, the bowels may become sluggish or loose.

Like their owners, time goes on. When the time comes, you may be lucky enough to have your pet die quietly in its sleep. If not, as a responsible, loving owner, you must be prepared to give it a dignified end. You should discuss with your vet when the dog is in pain that can not be easily relieved or when it is incapacitated, or in any way prevented from leading a normal life. There must be a peaceful end.


Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein



Reference: The Ultimate Dog Book by David Taylor

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