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Dogs require keeping.There are regular chores to be done, and efforts to be made, if you are to discover the best in your dog. Dogs can be appreciated and valued in many levels. To some they are the sincerest, truest of friends, and the best of companions. To others they are skilled workers and assistants


Try to match your own lifestyle to the physical characteristics, temperament, and particular requirements of the dog. Having done that you must decide on age,size,and sex, and then whether to go for a mongrel or purebred dogs.

Puppy or adult?

Puppies are great fun, particularly if you have children around. But if you want a companion, a young adult dog is best. Make sure that any adult dog that you buy is house-trained. A puppy will need someone to take the place of its mother, to look after it, feed it, house-train it and generally spend time with it to build a good relationship. So if you are away from home all day, do not even consider getting one.



The main thing is to make sure that the dog is fit. Make an agreement that you can return the puppy to the breeder if it is not healthy.

When selecting a puppy, look for:

-lively, energetic behavior

-clean nose, eyes and ears

-pink gums, tongue, and an area inside the eyelids

-no signs of diarrhea -no spots, sores, or scales in the coat or in the hairless part of the stomach

-no cough

-at 2 months old, dogs should be vaccinated against destemper, parvovirus, leptospirosis, hepatitis, kennel cough, and at about five months old...rabies


My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.
-Joe Weinstein


The following specialist terms are used in the canine world to descibed he colors and markings of dog's coats.
Blue merle - Marbled mixture of black, blue and gray hairs
Wheaten - The color of a ripening wheat, pale yellow to fawn.
Sable - Black-tip hairs on a background of gray, tan, gold,or silver.
Particolor - Marked in patches of two colors.
Tricolor - A coat in three colors; black,white,and tan
Brindle - Streakedeffect caused by black hairs on a light-colored background.
Saddle - Marking on the back in the shape or position of a saddle.
Roan - Fine mixtures of colored and white hairs
Grizzle - mixture ofbluish-gray, red and black.